Even in the dental field, the advent of innovation and technology is getting increased, and in that list, one of the biggest advancements is the creation of dentures. The dentures are nothing but false teeth, and they will help the patients by treating any kind of teeth or dental problems.
In the earlier days, it is difficult to align teeth or to bring a beautiful smile to people, but now, it is possible using dentures. Dentures will play an important role when it comes to teeth replacement. If you are planning to make dentures in your own dental lab, then here are the dental lab supplies that your dental lab should have.
Why dentures are considered important in dentistry?
Dentures are considered one of the best dental treatments for patients who are having missing teeth. Not all of us are blessed with a beautiful smile, sometimes we need to make an extra effort, but that should be a painless and effective process. That is where dentures come to replace the missing teeth.
If the patients have missing teeth, then they can be replaced by dentures, and the mouth will be designed full of teeth that will be functional and also it will give a beautiful smile. Sometimes, losing teeth may change the facial structure of the face, but the dentures will preserve the shape of the face.

People won’t feel discomfort having a denture in their mouth, as it will allow them to eat properly. So, dentures fill a huge space in people’s lives, it would be a good idea if all dental labs come with denture making supplies.
There are only a few dental labs that make dentures, if your dental laboratory doesn’t consist of denture materials and equipment then this article will let you know some important dental supplies.
Dental lab supplies for making dentures:
It’s time to check whether your dental laboratory equipment and supplies have the facility to make dentures. If not, then you should start getting the right denture making supplies to your lab, here we have provided a few most-needed dental lab supplies for making dentures.
Here, the dental alloy is nothing but the cobalt chromium dental alloy, and this is a corrosion-free biocompatible dental alloy. It is mainly used in the dental lab for the fabrication process, and the alloy has a low firing temperature so it offers excellent porcelain bonding qualities. It is used in the fabrication of dental prostheses bases, dental restoration, dental prosthesis framework, and other metal restoration.

The speed dental materials include dental handpieces, and it comes in different options. Depending on the need and usage of the dentist, the handpiece can be chosen. But when it comes to denture-making supplies, a portable brushless micromotor is the most preferred one. It is mainly used for the cutting, trimming, and shaping of acrylic dentures.

Most dental lab supplies for making dentures will include the multilayer zirconia blocks as it has high strength and also comes with excellent formability. The zirconia blocks have very aesthetic properties, and the best part is that they will match the color of the teeth.

Lithium disilicate block is said to be the dental glass ceramics, and the material is used in the dental lab because of the simple and raid crystallization process. The main reason for using the material as denture making supplies is that it comes with ultra-high aesthetic repair, and CAD high intensity of the repair material selection.

Acetal PMMA block is a dental resin and it comes with a metal-free alternative so suitable for removable applications. This is mainly used for partial denture frameworks, and even in other metal-free removable applications. The best thing about PMMA block is that it will be compatible with open dentistry CAD/CAM dental milling system.

There are many flexible denture materials available, and here acrylic denture material is also the most flexible material and common material used in the denture making process. This is used to form both denture resin teeth and denture bases in the dental laboratory.
These kinds of flexible materials will allow flawless and smooth denture surfaces, along with the denture teeth. Some of the biggest advantages of such denture material are that it is non-allergic and biocompatible with oral tissues.

Dental Lab Equipment:
- Dental lab denture injection system
The dental lab denture injection system is the most important dental laboratory equipment and supply if you are planning to make flexible dentures. This equipment will eliminate the micropores, so it will guarantee the product that comes with better physical and mechanical properties. The denture injection system features low maintenance, easy operation, a high success rate, and long service life.

- Denture injection dental flask
Denture injection dental flask or dental muffle is more like a container and it is customarily sectioned. This is intended to contain the mold, and also this is where the dental prosthesis will be shaped and processed. The dental flask is easy to handle and can be used with manual and automatic injection machines to make partial dentures.

A dental polishing lathe is a dental machine and it is used in every laboratory for the cutting, polishing, and enameling of metals, resins, and so on. In the dental laboratories, the dental lathe will do the polishing process of flexible dentures, and porcelain teeth.

A dental laboratory pressure pot is the most common dental lab supply, and it is mainly used for the polymerization of different dentures. It is used in two different methods which are, for the polymerization of self-curing acrylic, and the pressure polymerization of cold curing resin.

Bottom Line:
In recent times, most people are facing issues with their teeth, so if you are planning for a dental lab, then try to have denture-making supplies in your lab. Dental Lab Shop is an online place, where you can get dental lab supplies for making dentures, and provides genuine FDA-approved products.